Happy New Year!
I can’t believe the New Year’s here,
It’s time for resolutions.
So here we’ll share a few of ours,
Read on through the conclusion!
Allison, with daughters five
Would like to keep performing,
Teach students to love music more,
And make a few recordings!
Ashley says she hopes to teach,
Her child the violin to play,
With lots of help from Grandma, too!
And write blogs each First Friday.
Sheree, the head of KC branch,
Would like to play new venues,
Our chief of social media,
She shares all Uptown’s fun news.
Our fearless leader Brittany,
Much music she arranges.
She’ll lead us in recordings, gigs,
We’d not make any changes!
Kerri’s New Years goal this year
Will empty out our cabinets,
She’s helping organize our songs
To read right off our tablets!
Christy, a college senior now,
Has one driving ambition.
Perform recital with great flare
To walk May graduation.
We made some great memories last year,
And are ready for some new ones.
We hope you had a great year too,
And keep your resolutions!
Happy New Year from Uptown Violins!
Ashley Rescot, 2019