O Holy Night: A Change of Heart
Photo: Dr. Robert Rescot
This season, although we can’t see all of you live, we wanted to give you a special virtual Christmas performance.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday we collaborated with Rescot Creative to record our own rendition of the classic Christmas carol “O Holy Night.” As children, we loved listening to our mother Allison sing this carol in our annual family Christmas performances, alongside her sister and mother.
This year, Mom thrilled us once again with her angelic soprano voice, helping us reflect on the night of Christ’s birth. Ashley sang alto alongside her, while the other members of Uptown Violins Sherèe Lutz, Brittany Merritt, Kerri Parr, Christy Peterson, and dear friend Laura Fliege, accompanied them. Our dad, Dr. Stacy Peterson, even made a cameo appearance to honor his annual reading of Luke 2. Ashley’s husband, Dr. Robert Rescot served as executive producer for this music video.
Ashley asked us to participate in this video because it plays a pivotal role in her upcoming music fiction novel. Find the complete video, a weekly blog, other music fiction writings, and much more on her website www.rescotcreative.com.
Here is an excerpt from the Christmas scene:
“Girls, it’s time.” Mom peeked her head backstage. “Grab your instruments.”
Adrienne scooped up her viola. Victoria and Louisa followed her onstage.
Seconds later, their mother’s voice rang out through the microphone. “This next song holds a special place in my heart. It’s one I’ve treasured since childhood. Written by composer Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem “Minuit Chretien,” the hymn tells the story of our Savior's birth. I hope you enjoy the music as we perform ‘O Holy Night.’”
Louisa made her way to the piano while Victoria and Adrienne took their places next to each other. After the piano’s opening bars, Mom’s soprano floated through the air.“O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth!” Her silver dress sparkled in the shimmering light like the stars about which she sang.
Adrienne’s viola joined Victoria’s violin with the harmony as Mom continued. “Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till he appeared, and the soul felt its worth.”
Victoria closed her eyes and let the music wash over her. Dear God, I’ve made a mess. I haven’t loved my brother, or in this case my sister, as myself. Please help me to change, to remedy past wrongs. Give me the strength.
Photo: Dr. Robert Rescot
“O night, divine. O night divine.” Mom’s conclusion of the stanza cued Victoria. She lifted the instrument to her shoulder. With a nod to Adrienne, they began the next verse together.
“Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace.”
The lyrics reached a deep corner of Victoria’s soul, one she’d ignored far too long. As she pulled her bow across the strings, the notes blended like angel voices in perfect harmony. She drew a deep breath, and a sense of peace filled her heart.
Mom’s sweet voice continued to ring through the hall. “Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother, And in His name all oppression shall cease.”
God, break the chains that have kept us apart, and help us to love each other as You love us.
“Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, Let all within us praise His holy name.”
The violin’s descant blended with the soprano and the viola’s rich alto like a prayer to Heaven.
As Mom approached the climactic high note, she turned to face her daughters. “Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever! His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!”
Worshipful silence stole over the audience as the notes trailed away. The power of the moment surpassed words.
Several seconds later, vigorous applause broke out. Mom covered her heart and took a deep bow. Then, as tears streamed down her cheeks, she extended her arms to her daughters.
We can’t wait for the book’s release next year!
Although we wish we could be with you all in person, we hope this video brings you cheer and reminds you of the true meaning of Christmas.
We look forward to performing for you in the New Year!
Photo: Dr. Robert Rescot